Dear Church Family,
Today is Mother’s Day. A day when we celebrate the woman who gave us life and all women who have acted as a mother to us throughout our lives. Those who’ve loved us. Those who raised us. Those who supported us. Those who taught us. Those who comforted us. Those who listened to us. Those who guided us. Those who aided us in so many ways along life’s journey. Regardless if we were biologically related or if they were even women at all (since, many times, fathers and other men fill these roles when a woman is not available). So today, we celebrate them all.
While they may differ in so many ways there is one thing they all have in common; they all give us a feeling of belonging. They let us know that someone in this world cares for us. That we have someone in our corner that we can count on being there; regardless.
And that is what Jesus is getting at in our scripture readings today. It’s that sense of belonging that is so important; so critical.
Please listen to today’s service to learn more.
Pastor Rick