Dear Church Family, Our scripture this morning is one that I found to be quite interesting, because within it we find multiple people all looking for one thing and one thing only: the Messiah. Yet, while they were all seeking the same thing, the reasons behind their searches differed significantly. Please listen to today’s message…
Author: sumc1st
Come to the Light 1/8/23 Service
Today is Epiphany Sunday; the day we celebrate the Maji coming to see the infant Jesus and realizing that not only is he the new king of the Jews, but that he is the Messiah. Not only that, but he is the light that came to the world to once and forever overcome the darkness….
All Part of the Plan 1/1/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Happy New Year!!! This is the time of year when many people make plans for their lives and resolutions to bring about positive change. Yet, regardless how hard we try, most of those efforts fail to materialize as we had hoped. However God’s plans never fail. Please listen to today’s message on…
Christmas Message 12/25/22
Merry Christmas, Church Family Jesus is born. Christ is in the world. Praise God. This is the day that we celebrate the most important event in history. May God bless this day and your entire lives; now and always. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Peace 12/18/22 Service
Dear Church Family, This morning, being the 4th week of Advent, we lit the candle of Peace. It was proceeded by candles for Hope, Love and Joy; all of which are admirable qualities and feelings that should grow within us as Advent proceeds. So, that at the end of this preparatory period we will be…
Church Cancelled 12/18/22
Dear Church Family, Due to the severe weather in-person church is cancelled for tomorrow (12/18/22). Please listen online. Blessings, Pastor Rick
The Good Shepherd 12/11/22 Service
Dear Church Family, The Bible describes all people as either sheep or goats based on our personalities. The interesting thing is, that not everyone is born a sheep or a goat. Quite often it depends on the guidance and direction we receive from our shepherd. All of us at one time or another wander away…
Knock Knock 11/27/22 Service
Dear Church Family, Today’s guest speaker, Diana Kuenzli, kicks off the Advent Season with a great message. Please listen to what she has to say. Blessings, Pastor Rick
11/20/22 Church Service Cancelled Due to Weather
Due to extreme weather conditions all Church services on Sunday 11/20/22 have been cancelled.
Don’t Be Weary 11/13/22 Service
Dear Church Family, Paul told the church at Thessalonica “Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right.” But we do become weary, don’t we? Please listen to today’s message to gain a better understanding on why we should do as Paul instructed. Blessings, Pastor Rick