Dear Church Family, Today is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week. It is a week full of symbolism, significance, and prophetic importance. And it all begins today, when Jesus first sets off on the road to his destiny. Please listen to today’s message to hear all that was involved. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Author: sumc1st
Nothing is Impossible with God 3/26/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Today we celebrate the Annunciation; the announcement from Gabriel to Mary that she would become pregnant and have a son who would be the Son of God in spite of her being a virgin. This miracle, while being believed by most Christians, is derided by the rest of the world. Is it…
Those Who Do Not See 3/19/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Today’s scripture describes Jesus curing a man blind since birth, which left the Pharisees wondering if they themselves were blind because they doubted his story. Please listen to the full message to see how blindness takes many forms. It’s not just Physical; it can also be Emotional, Social, Intellectual, and Spiritual. Blessings,…
Water 3/12/23 Service
Water 3/12/23 Service Dear Church Family, The story of Jesus and the woman at the well is one we all know. But there are important elements to it that are not readily known. Please click on the link above to listen to today’s message and learn significantly more about it. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Condemned or Saved 3/5/23 Service
Dear Church Family, We have two options in life; we can be either condemned or saved. Even though the default situation is condemned, God, through the sacrifice of his son Jesus, enables us to be saved if we only turn to him and believe. So what does each of these states entail? a. Condemned =…
A Time of Repentance 2/26/23 Service
Dear Church Family, As we enter this Lenten season it’s important to remember that it is a 40-day period of repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Easter. It’s a time to interrupt the usual comforts of life, to rediscover the saving love of God, and to practice charity and justice towards those in…
A Glimpse of Heaven 2/19/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Jesus’ transformation proved he is the Son of God, that God is pleased with him, and it provides a glimpse of heaven. Listen to today’s 2 part service to gain more insight into this fascinating and important event. Blessings, Pastor Rick
What Does the Lord Require 2/5/23 Service
Dear Church Family, It’s important that we know what the Lord requires us to do in order to please him. Today’s message explores that topic and let’s us know exactly what he wants from us in order to have the type of relationship de desires. I hope you enjoy these simple words. Blessings, Pastor Rick
A Supernatural Kingdom 1/29/23
Dear Church Family, As you know, in-person church was cancelled today due to the snow received overnight. Instead I have a brief message that touches on the power of prayer when blessed by the Holy Spirit. I hope it touches your heart and gives you something to seriously think about. Stay warm and safe. Blessings,…
Finding What You Seek 1/22/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Two of the top question people ask are “How do we get what we are seeking? How do we reach heaven rather than hell?” In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus said “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For…