Dear Church Family, Happy Father’s Day to all those who are fathers or played the role of father in someone’s life. Fathers are so important in children’s lives and that fact is borne out through numerous studies conducted over the years. The words fathers use to instruct and guide children play a key role in…
Author: sumc1st
I’ve Come to Call Sinners 6/11/23 Service
Dear Church Family, When questioned by the Pharisees why he ate with tax collectors and sinners Jesus told them that those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick do. He then said “I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.” The thing is we are all…
Poured Out 5/28/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Today we celebrated Pentecost, the time at which the Holy Spirit was poured out on all of the earth. Please listen to this special message to gain better insight into what this means. Monday is also Memorial Day. Please remember those that gave their lives for our country and our freedoms. Blessings,…
Rise Up – 5/21/23 Service
Dear Church Family, At the end of his time on earth, Jesus rose into the sky to heaven. We too shall rise up, like him, in the end. Please listen to today’s full message to learn more. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Knowing the Unknown 5/14/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Due to technical issues this week’s service is audio only. Sorry about that. I hope you still enjoy the message and learn something about knowing the unknown. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Assurance & Acceptance 5/7/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Because of the assurance of salvation, purchased through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we can accept whatever might befall us or be placed in our path as a result of our faith. Please listen to today’s message to hear more about the importance assurance and acceptance play in our lives….
Voices 4/30/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Jesus tells us that his sheep hear his voice and follow where he leads. Today we are inundated with voices, most of which try to drive us away from God. Who are you listening too, and who are you following? These are key questions for all of us. Please listen to today’s…
Jesus’ Flock 4/23/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Today is Native American Sunday; a day when take time to worship God in a manner that honors both Native American heritage and Christ. Please listen to this full message to gain a better understanding on Native American culture and beliefs. Blessings, Pastor Rick
The Outcome of Your Faith 4/16/23 Service
Dear Church Family, John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Scripture also tells us “Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in…
My Redeemer Lives 4/9/23 Easter Service
Dear Church Family, Today is Easter; the day we celebrate Jesus defeating death and rising from the tomb. It is his resurrection which we celebrate today that is key to our faith; central to our beliefs. if it didn’t happen, Jesus couldn’t have been the Christ, the Messiah, the true son of God. It is…