Dear Church Family, Not only do we need to repent of any thing we may have done wrong to honor God, and to preserve our relationship with him. We also need to repent as a nation, because we have moved away from God. Please listen to today’s message to learn more. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Author: sumc1st
The Power of Repentance 1/21/24 Service
Dear Church Family, Unfortunately, we had to cancel today’s in-person service due to the weather; January always seems to be the hardest month for that. Yet, it’s still important that we stay in touch and do God’s will. Please listen to today’s message to hear more about that, and about the power of repentance. I…
Epiphany 1/14/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Winter has finally arrived and it is crazy out there. So, I hope you all stay at home…safe and warm. Today’s message is about the Epiphany. Please listen as we talk about what we know and don’t know about this important event. Blessings, Pastor Rick
New Life 12/31/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Jesus came to give us new life. Life from life, salvation and righteousness. As we enter this new year I pray you will accept this marvelous gift so freely given. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Christmas Eve 12/24/23 Service
Dear Church Family, This evening represents the final moments before the birth of our Lord and Savior. May they be joyous ones for you and your loved ones. Blessings and Merry Christmas, Pastor Rick
Love 12/24/23 Service
Dear Church Family, The birth of our Lord is an amazing love story between Mary, Joseph, and God (in all three personifications). Please listen to today’s message to learn more. Merry Christmas may God bless you. Pastor Rick
Joy 12/17/23 Service
Dear Church Family, The concept of joy can mean different things to different people, but all of it begins with God. Please listen to all of today’s message to learn more. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Restore Us, O God 12/3/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Things are not like they once were. Our society has declined year after year at an accelerating pace. As we begin Advent this year it’s more than time that we pray that God will restore us. Please listen to today’s message to learn more. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Then 11/26/23 Service
Dear Church Family, Throughout our lives we make decisions that lead to results; both good and bad. Along the way we should think about after all we’ve done, then what comes next? Please listen to today’s message to gain some insight into that. Blessings, Pastor Rick
The Day of the Lord 11/19/23 Service
Part 1 Part 2 Dear Church Family, Today’s scripture deals with the doom and gloom of the coming Day of the Lord. But as Christians that is something we need not fear. Please listen to today’s message to understand why. Blessings, Pastor Rick Note: the service is broken into 2 segments because we lost our…