Dear Church Family, The light has dawned. The light is here. Jesus is that light. And his great light is shown through his love of us – even in our own darkness, weaknesses and sins. Ephesians 5:8 “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children…
Author: sumc1st
Joy 12/19/21 Service
Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, Through Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection God reconciled us to himself and brought us salvation. And through that salvation, he brings us joy. God wants us to be happy which is why all of this occurred. Let us rejoice and be glad. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Peace & Love 12/12/21 Service
Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, John the Baptist came into the world to pave the way for the Messiah, Jesus. Jesus came to provide a way in which we could be reconciled with God, and receive salvation as a true reflection of the love God has for us. Through the gift of his life,…
Church Service Cancelled for 12/5/21
Dear Church Family, Our church service this week was unfortunately cancelled due to a medical emergency. We will reconvene next week at our usual 9:30 am time. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Hope 11/28/21 Service
Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, Today’s message deal with Hope. Hope is not wishful thinking, even though we may have no control over whether or not the thing we want to happen will take place. Hope waits and endures. It isn’t flimsy or fragile. Hope is durable, it can withstand tragedies, trials, and despair….
Sing a New Song 11/21/21 Service
Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, King David wrote Psalm 40 as a psalm of deliverance and thanksgiving. It also foretold the coming of Jesus a 1000 years in the future. Please listen to today’s message to see what it mean to us today? Blessings, Pastor Rick
Church Service Cancelled for 11/14/21
Dear Church Family, Our 9:30am Church Service has been cancelled for tomorrow, 11/14/21, as a precaution due to COVID-19. Two parishioners tested positive this week. Even though both of them have been on vacation out of state all week, it’s best if we take the day off and regroup next Sunday. Stay safe and well,…
Livin’ on a Prayer 11/7/21 Service
Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, Jesus let’s us know that there will always be those that are rich and those that are poor with the bulk of the people somewhere in between. His message in Mark 12:43-44 was not about changing anything within society. It was about the gift people provide to God as…
The Lord is Our God 10/31/21 Service
Better Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, Why did Moses and Jesus use the same phrase in stating “The Lord our God, the Lord is one” and what does that mean to us now? Please listen to today’s message to find out. Blessings, Pastor Rick
Restored by Faith 10/24/21 Service
Pastor Rick Higher Quality Audio-only Dear Church Family, Through his ministry and his miracles, Jesus touched many lives. Those who were restored and those who witnessed the restorations. But in every case it was brought about by faith. Faith in Jesus, and faith in God. The result of which were changed lives. Lives not only…