Dear Church Family, Throughout the Bible God provides life lessons. He teaches us how we should act in a wide variety of situations. He informs us both what to do, and also what not to do. And while these lessons can come in the form of parables, suggestions, guidelines, rules or even laws, the bottom…
Author: sumc1st
Angela Mary (Aldrich) Logic – Celebration of Life 8/27/22
Angela may have only lived 50 years, but she lived them fully. She will certainly be missed.
Before & After 8/21/22 Service
Dear Church Family, The reality is that each of our lives, this life that we’re living right now, had a beginning and will have an end. We were born and we will die. Which means there was a before and, one way or another, there will be an after. Please listen to today’s service to…
Wild Grapes 8/14/22 Service
Dear Church Family, In ancient Israel grapes were a major agricultural product, both for eating and for wine making. Throughout biblical history the vineyard was part of everyday life for many in Israel. So, it’s not surprising to see it used in our readings today by a psalmist, by Jesus, and by the Prophet Isaiah…
Treasure 8/7/22 Service
Dear Church Family, Today’s message is all about treasure. We all love treasure, right? Just the thought of finding it, or obtaining it, is so exciting, isn’t it? Please listen to learn what we should be doing with the treasure God provides to each of us. Blessings, Pastor Rick
5 Truths About God’s Blessing Over You 7/31/22 Message
Dear Church Family, Due to our granddaughter testing positive for Covid while at our house, our normal church service was cancelled for today. However, I did want to share this important message with you all. As always, it is my prayer that God will bless each of you, be gracious to you, and give you…
Persistence 7/24/22 Service
Dear Church Family, Jesus taught his disciples to pray and to pray with persistence. He then said “ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you.” Please listen to today’s message to gain a better understanding on what this all means. Blessings, Pastor…
The Time is Surely Coming 7/17/22 Service
Dear Church Family, It’s wonderful to have a good relationship with God, and terrible if there is no relationship at all. Being separated from God and his word is something no one desires, but it does occur. Listen to today’s message to hear what happened to ancient Israel when they turned from God. And listen…
Not Too Hard or Too Far Away 7/10/22 Service
Dear Church Family, God knew it would be impossible for anyone to know all of the laws established during the Exodus, let alone keep each of them, regardless how hard they might try. So, he identified one thing, above all others, that was critical for the Jews, and us, to observe and that’s the focus…
Questioning 7/3/22 Service
Dear Church Family, When we’re in distress and have no way of getting out of it through our own efforts, we urgently reach out to God. But when God replies to our prayers what do we do? Our typical reaction is to question what he says or does, or that which he asks us to…